Our Mission
To equalize access within the criminal defense system. We do this by connecting recently arrested individuals with highly qualified legal defense attorneys in their counties. Every hour.
Client Connect was founded by a core team with experience in criminal defense, machine learning, and FBI investigative procedures. Socially conscious criminal marketing has been our goal since day one.
Our proprietary contact tracing solution has processed over 1.3 million arrests in some of the largest US counties. Hundreds of criminal defense law firms leverage our data to reach potential clients and bolster their case load.
Expanding beyond direct mail, verified attorneys can now automate their criminal defense marketing to prospective clients through 4 distinct channels. Direct Digital advertisement connects with existing website design and supplements your firm's search engine optimization.
A Tale of Two Potential Clients.

Low income arrestees are less likely to know a lawyer through word of mouth. Consequently, they are more likely to rely on criminal defense marketing, law firm websites, and attorney outreach to obtain counsel. These individuals tend to pay specific attention to online reviews, website quality, and consultation availability.
- Every $15k decrease in income leads to a 22% increase in the possibility that a potential client obtains legal services via traditional criminal defense advertising. Examples would include Google Ads, social media platforms, membership marketing plans, or word of mouth.
- Every decrease in degree of educational attainment leads to a 23% increase in likelihood to obtaining counsel via advertising.
- POC are 32% more likely to hire council after seeing an advertisement than white arrestees.

Highly educated potential clients are more likely to already have a family lawyer. If they don't already have a family lawyer, they can easily connect with one from their social circle. Individuals like this are less swayed by criminal defense marketing efforts since they already have a lawyer in their network.
- White Americans are 67% more likely to be related to a lawyer than African-Americans. They are also 43% more likely to be related to one than Hispanic-Americans.
- Federal prosecutors are half as likely to charge White Americans with offenses that carry a minimum sentence than African Americans.
The 14th Amendment should guarantee equal representation.
“By the Fourteenth Amendment...no state can deprive particular persons or classes of persons of equal and impartial justice under the law...due process is so secured by laws operating on all alike”.
Yet, all representation is not created equal.
Funding to public defense is grossly inadequate.
Hours of representation, Louisiana 2017
Private criminal defense firms advocate for clients more effectively.
Reduction of sentences (Years)*
The proof is in the numbers. Private defense firms prop up the 14th amendment. Inadequate public defender funding leads to a spillover of cases necessarily captured by law firms.
That's where we come in...
Client Connect is bringing high-quality legal defense to the masses–– and high-quality criminal defense marketing to criminal defense lawyers
Reasonable pricing. Automated marketing. More cases.
What are you waiting for?
- Michael G. Parkinson & Sabrina Neeley (2003) Attorney Advertising, Services Marketing Quarterly, 24:3, 17-28, DOI: 10.1300/J396v24n03_02
- American Bar Association, ABA Required Disclosures cited by Enjuris, 2018
- Starr, S. B. & Rehavi, M. M. (2013). Mandatory Sentencing and Racial Disparity: Assessing the Role of Prosecutors and the Effects of. The Yale Law Journal, 123(2), 2-80.
- ABA and P&M, The Louisiana Project: A Study of the Louisiana Defender System and Attorney Workload Standards, 2017
- Morris B. Hoffman, Paul H. Rubin & Joanna M. Shepherd, An Empirical Study of Public Defender Effectiveness: Self-Selection by the "Marginally Indigent", 2005